
On Air


Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Big P


Big P

Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Big P

The story of Big P. begins in a small igloo in the most northern reaches of Alaska. I know, not the usual place you’d expect to find a white kid who looks like he’s from Iowa.

My childhood was filled with all the usual things that kids in igloos in Alaska do; hunting in the snow, ice fishing, snow skiing, playing in the snow, and well, doing damn near everything in the snow. It’s Alaska. (Let’s just say my first experience with the fairer sex was…uh…embarrassing to say the least.)

After high school, I decided to head out on my own and see the world. Leaving the tiny igloo I’d called home my entire life, I headed out to see where the road took me. After a year or so of hitchhiking through Canada and the northern U.S. and doing whatever I could to make a few bucks here and there (don’t ask…), I ended up in the Empire city somehow and found a home here with Todd and Tyler. Who knew a no-electricity-having, igloo-dwelling kid from Alaska would be a good radio producer?

I was young and impressionable when I started here and since then, I’ve been corrupted all to hell and am now the dude you know who rocks when the sun comes up. Lucky for me they found me when they did or might have ended up some straight laced, boring S.O.B. That would’ve sucked…

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